WildFly Project News
In Java 15 *biased locking* has been deprecated as per JEP 374. This means the default setting has been switched from enabled to disabled and the plan is to remove support for it from the Java Virtual Machine in a pending release. We need your help seeing if this affects WildFly performance in your application.
I am pleased to announce the 1.0.0.Beta1 release of the MicroProfile GraphQL feature pack for WildFly. It offers experimental support for the MicroProfile GraphQL 1.0 specification, implemented by SmallRye GraphQL. MicroProfile GraphQL - link to the specification. SmallRye GraphQL - link to the underlying implementation. The source code for the feature pack can be found on GitHub. Installing the feature pack For now, the GraphQL support is distributed as a feature pack rather than integrated...
WildFly 20.0.1.Final is now available for download. It’s been about a month since the WildFly 20 release, so it’s time for a small bug fix update, WildFly 20.0.1. The full list of issues resolved in WildFly 20.0.1 is available here. Issues resolved in the WildFly Core 12.0.2 and 12.0.3 releases included with WildFly 20.0.1 are available here and here. Onward to WildFly 21! Enjoy.
Congratulations to the Jakarta EE community for the recent great progress on Jakarta EE 9! The Jakarta EE community has been making great strides in its work on Jakarta EE 9, and given today’s Jakarta EE 9 milestone release I wanted to give the WildFly community an update on what’s been going on regarding EE 9 in WildFly and a heads up on what I expect will be happening over the summer and the rest...
I am pleased to announce the 1.0.0.Beta1 release of the MicroProfile Reactive specifications feature pack for WildFly. It offers experimental support for the following MicroProfile specifications, which all focus on the reactive area: MicroProfile Reactive Messaging 1.0 - this is a framework for building event-driven, data streaming and event sourcing applications using CDI. The streams, or channels, can be backed by a variety of messaging technologies. We currently ship connectors for: Apache Kafka, AMQP and...
Introduction Now that WildFly supports Eclipse Microprofile this seems the appropriate time to introduce a way to package a WildFly application as a bootable JAR (also known as a "fat JAR"). Bootable JAR packaging is well suited for microservices to be run on cloud and bare metal. A bootable JAR allows us to package both the container and the application in a single JAR file and execute it with a simple command such as java...
WildFly 20 S2I Docker images The WildFly S2I (Source-to-Image) builder and runtime Docker images for WildFly 20 have been released on quay.io/wildfly. Changes since the last release: Upgraded Keycloak client adapters to version 10.0.2. Reduced the size of the image generated during s2i chained build template (image named <app>-build-artifacts). For a complete documentation on how to use these images using S2I, OpenShift and Docker, refer to the WildFly S2I README. Adding the imagestreams and template...
I’m pleased to announce that the WildFly 20 Final zip is now available for download. After the big push on Eclipse MicroProfile 3.3 for WildFly 19, the focus for WildFly 20 was more on bug fixing and component updates. Between WildFly Core and full WildFly we resolved well over 100 bugs and did over 90 component upgrades, most of which also brought bug fixes. These are challenging times for all of us, with a lot...
Using JBoss Generic JMS Resource Adapter you can use a JMS compatible client to connect WildFly to any broker. This article will describe how to do this with Apache Qpid and thus use JMS over AMQP. Installing Apache Qpid You need to download and untar Apache Qpid Broker-J 8.0.0 from https://qpid.apache.org/download.html. You need to allow for anonymous access. Please use the initial-config.json configuration file. Note that we will start Apache Qpid HTTP server on 9080...
WildFly 19.1.0 Final is now available for download. As we usually do between WildFly majors, we’ve done an update release to provide the WildFly community with important bug fixes and component upgrades that have become available. Typically these are micro releases, but this time we had one feature that we wanted to make available, so we changed the version to 19.1.0 and released a minor. The feature is related to handling of SameSite cookie attributes....