WildFly S2I v2 architecture overview
For upcoming WildFly 26 release we are re-architecting WildFly S2I (Source to Image) images to offer more flexibility, better efficiency and a simpler user experience.
Since WildFly 16, in which we introduced an evolution of the WildFly s2i images, we have identified a set of pain points that we want to see addressed in a new architecture:
Strong coupling of the WildFly S2I builder image with a WildFly release. This implies that new builder images have to be released and deployed for each new server version.
Configuring the server during the S2I build is complex. Executing the simplest WildFly CLI script during build is far from trivial; it requires your application project to comply with a specific directory structure then you must define bash scripts (do you know Java developers who like to write bash scripts?) in order to call CLI command lines (and don’t forget to start the embedded server). The simplest copy of some extra server content (e.g. JBoss Module modules) is also not that trivial and again requires bash scripting.
Executing your own CLI scripts during server startup implies having installed some extensions (again bash scripts) inside the server during the S2I build.
Server startup is always composed of a sequence of 2 steps — server starts first in admin only mode and automatically applies generated CLI scripts, then reboots in normal mode. In cases your server configuration doesn’t require some adjustments and could have booted directly in normal mode.
No simple way to provide server arguments (e.g. Java system properties) when starting the server.
No way to tailor a server according to the application needs from the project
file. Server provisioning during the S2I build is configured by env variables provided at S2I build time. -
No way to build and run an application with a WildFly Preview server.
WildFly S2I images contain much more than what we actually need to build and run the server. We need a much lighter Operating System.
New WildFly S2I architecture
The current architecture is composed of 2 main artifacts:
WildFly S2I builder image with JDK11 based on centos7. Image released for each new WildFly release (to contain the latest release of the WildFly server).
WildFly S2I runtime image with JDK11 based on centos7. Image used to create docker chained builds to output smaller runtime application images.
We are keeping the separation between the S2I builder image and the runtime image. The 2 new images we are offering are:
WildFly S2I builder image with JDK11 based on ubi8 minimal. This image doesn’t contain a WildFly server. It expects a server containing the application deployment to be provisioned during the S2I build phase.
WildFly runtime image with JDK11 based on ubi8 minimal. We are keeping the JDK (instead of a JRE) in order to make Java debugging tools available in the image. This image can be used to run any WildFly server (not only a server provisioned using the builder image in a chained build).
For now we will only be providing JDK 11 versions of these images.
So the WildFly S2I builder image becomes a lightweight generic image allowing to build and execute applications deployed in any WildFly server.
New s2i build workflow
We are removing the complex server configuration points and rely on the use of the
WildFly Maven plugin that can now provision a fully configured server containing your deployment.
The WildFly Maven plugin 3.0.0.Alpha1
has been evolved with some new goals to provision, configure, and package the server and the deployment in one step.
When designing your application pom file, add the WildFly Maven plugin package
goal, configure it with the WildFly Galleon feature-pack
and Galleon layer(s), and optionally reference WildFly CLI scripts to be executed and
content to be copied inside the server. At the end of the build you will get (by default in the target/server
a server with your app deployed, ready to be installed in the image.
In order to allow for a smooth transition to the new images, we are still supporting (in a deprecated way) the legacy workflow.
Your existing application would work, but you are now required to specify the Galleon feature-pack(s) and layer(s)
env variables)
you want to see used during the S2I build to provision a WildFly server.
New image runtime API
An image built from the WildFly S2I builder or runtime images both expose the same API allowing you to fine tune the server execution. This API is exposed by means of environment variables to be set when configuring your deployment.
JVM configuration API
The JVM env variables that are used today with WildFly s2i images are still supported. They are a nice way to tune the JVM.
WildFly server startup configuration API
The new server startup configuration API is described in this documentation. This API comes with default values that should cover the main use-cases. 2 env variables open-up new possibilities:
allows you to pass WildFly server arguments when starting the server. -
allows you to provide a path (relative toJBOSS_HOME
or absolute) to a CLI script to be executed at startup time. Although CLI scripts should be executed at build time from the WildFly Maven plugin, in some cases it can be useful to adjust the configuration at execution time. You can package a set of CLI scripts inside your server at build time, then reference one of these CLI scripts to be executed at runtime.
WildFly server subsystems configuration API
If you are using WildFly s2i images you are perhaps asking yourself where are the env variables you have been using to configure the elytron subsystem, to add datasources, to configure logging or the microprofile-config subsystem,… They are provided by means of a new WildFly cloud Galleon feature-pack that you can combine with the WildFly Galleon feature-pack at build time to produce a server supporting these env variables.
If you only provision
you will get a "vanilla" WildFly server that will get lightly adjusted by the image entry-point to properly execute on OpenShift. -
If you provision
you will get a similar server to the one present in the current WildFly s2i image (withJBOSS_HOME/bin/openshift-launch.sh
You can pull the new WildFly S2i images (Beta quality) from quay.io:
docker pull quay.io/jfdenise/wildfly-s2i-jdk11
docker pull quay.io/jfdenise/wildfly-runtime-jdk11
NB: The images will be made available from the quay.io/wildfly
organisation when they reach a Final quality.
S2I examples
We have defined a set of examples to help you get started. They cover different use-cases that highlight the new capabilities.
The examples rely on WildFly Helm Charts to automate the build and deployment on OpenShift.
In order to deploy the examples onto OpenShift, you can log in to the Developer Sandbox for Red Hat OpenShift.
The use cases covered are:
Simple application, no specific configuration. Just build and deploy on OpenShift.
Keycloak integration. Use WildFly 25
to interact with a Keycloak server. Also highlights the ability to provide server arguments at launch time. -
Logging. We all need to enable logging at some point. With a simple CLI script executed at server boot time, enable logging and redirect all traces to the CONSOLE.
Clustering. A cluster of PODS that share web sessions. This example benefits from the WildFly cloud feature-pack and WildFly Helm Charts capabilities to automatically enable the
JGroups protocol and generate the ping service.
Dockerfile example
This chapter highlights the steps to build a docker image that contains the server and your application, publish it in a public docker registry in which you have an account (e.g. quay.io) and then deploy it on OpenShift. Here we are using the Simple application example. NB: Be sure to update the example steps with your own docker registry account.
Build the maven project:
$ mvn clean package
Write a Dockerfile with the following content:
FROM quay.io/jfdenise/wildfly-runtime-jdk11:latest
COPY --chown=jboss:root target/server $JBOSS_HOME
RUN chmod -R ug+rwX $JBOSS_HOME
Build the image
$ docker build -t quay.io/jfdenise/my-app:latest .
You can run the image locally and interact with the application (e.g. http://docker_container_IP:8080).
$ docker run --rm quay.io/jfdenise/my-app:latest
Publish the image
$ docker push quay.io/jfdenise/my-app:latest
Write a WildFly Helm Charts
file with the following content:
name: quay.io/jfdenise/my-app
enabled: false
Deploy on OpenShift
helm install my-app -f my-app.yaml wildfly_v2/wildfly
Once deployed, access the application route URL (e.g. https://my-app-jdenise-stage.apps.sandbox.x8i5.p1.openshiftapps.com/)
To conclude
We hope that, like us, you will see the benefits of this new approach (for which you can perhaps find similarities with the WildFly bootable JAR S2I experience). This is going to allow us to offer more flexibility (provision the server of your choice), better efficiency (smaller images, faster server startup), simpler user experience (WildFly Maven plugin configuration is far simpler than the existing S2I configuration points). So in the end a much better overall experience.
Keep us posted with your feedback. (You can log these as new project issues.) This will help us evolve the new WildFly S2I experience in the right direction.
JF Denise