WildFly Bootable JAR 4.0 is released!
The 4.0.0.Final version of the WildFly Bootable JAR Maven plugin has been released.
For people who are not familiar with the WildFly Bootable JAR, I strongly recommend that you read this blog post that covers it in detail.
WildFly CLI script executed at startup time
Starting with the recently announced WildFly 23, the bootable JAR runtime allows you to execute a WildFly CLI script when launching the bootable JAR. Although applying changes to the server configuration at build time is the preferred way (no impact on startup time), runtime execution gives you the flexibility to adjust the server configuration to the execution context.
The authentication example has been evolved with a new 'runtime-config' Maven profile to disable CLI script execution at build time in favor of runtime execution.
To execute a CLI script during boot: java -jar app-bootable.jar --cli-script=<path to CLI script>
This support is Tech Preview as the mechanism may change in later releases. |
JBoss Modules module artifact upgrades
Starting with WildFly 23, you can upgrade part of the server when building a bootable JAR.
This offers you the ability to use a different version of an identified component of the server (eg: an Undertow artifact, a JDBC driver provided by a third party Galleon feature-pack, …). Obviously the updated component must be compatible with the server in which it is provisioned… This is done at your own risk ;-).
WildFly Galleon feature-pack server artifact packaging
The way the JBoss Modules module artifacts that compose a WildFly server are packaged inside a WildFly Galleon feature-pack allows you to override their version when building a Bootable JAR.
Instead of packaging the artifact binaries inside Galleon feature-packs, the artifacts' Maven coordinates are packaged. The actual artifact files are resolved when a WildFly server is built using Galleon (or when building a bootable JAR).
This way of packaging artifacts is not new; WildFly follows this design pattern since the first Galleon releases. (This is what allows you to provision a slim WildFly server or a slim WildFly bootable JAR).
If you design custom Galleon feature-packs for WildFly, we encourage you, when applicable (the artifacts must be released in an accessible Maven repository), to design your feature-packs by following this pattern.
As an example, the WildFly datasources Galleon feature-pack (that provides drivers and datasources for some major databases) pom file contains in its dependencies the driver artifacts that it can bring to the server.
The JBoss Modules modules that contain the driver artifacts (e.g. the postgresql driver module) only reference the GroupId and ArtifactId of the artifact. The artifact versions are stored inside the feature-pack but outside of the JBoss Modules module. This separation between the GroupId, ArtifactId (optionally Classifier) and the Version is what makes it possible to upgrade when building a bootable JAR.
To learn more about artifact upgrades
The WildFly bootable JAR documentation contains more information about this capability.
MyFaces Galleon feature-pack
I’m happy to take the opportunity of this blog post to mention a new community project that defines Galleon feature-packs that you can use with the WildFly 23 Galleon feature-pack (and "WildFly Preview" Galleon feature-pack) to build a Bootable JAR (or to provision a server using Galleon) containing a JSF implementation based on MyFaces.
Known issues
Incompatibility with Keycloak client adapter Galleon feature-pack
This issue is now solved when using keycloak adapter 13.0.1. |
Due to some incompatible changes in the WildFly Galleon feature-pack (i.e. the removal of core and servlet Galleon feature-packs in the dependency chain) the Keycloak 12.0.x OIDC client adapter Galleon feature-pack can’t be used with the WildFly 23 Galleon feature-pack.
As a workaround, we have setup a project that highlights the workaround you need to follow to include the Keycloak 12.0.x OIDC client adapter inside a WildFly 23
bootable JAR. In summary, we are including in the bootable JAR the content of the Keycloak zipped client adapter (that you can download from Keycloak downloads).
In addition the WildFly server security is configured by the adapter-elytron-install.cli
WildFly CLI script that is packaged in the zipped adapter.
To conclude
Finally we would really appreciate if if you would keep us posted with your feedback and new requirements. (You can log these as new project issues.) This will help us evolve the WildFly Bootable JAR experience in the right direction.
JF Denise