WildFly Swarm 1.0.0.Alpha3 Released!

Once again, we’re delighted and enthralled to announce a release of WildFly Swarm. This time, it’s 1.0.0.Alpha3!

Since this follows quickly on the heels of the last release, there’s not a whole lot of major changes. Rather, we’ve fixed some things, enhanced others, written some tests, and generally knocked it together a little sturdier.


  • Based on WildFly 9.0.0.CR2.

  • You can now stop() the container.

  • Better classloading for javax.* stuff.

  • JPA improvements:

    • Default datasources are now available.

    • JPA is usable from within a normal WAR.

  • WebSocket API included in the Undertow fraction.

  • More configuration through the wildfly-swarm-maven-plugin.

  • Serve static content (with or without a WAR/JAX-RS deployment).

  • Magical favicon.ico support for JAX-RS deployments, mostly to avoid ugly stack-traces in the console.


We’ve started writing some documentation, which you can contribute to:


Yes indeed! We have a bunch of buildable and runnable examples at GitHub in one handy repository:

What do I download?

There is no special download or installation instructions. Simply start using org.wildfly.swarm artifacts in your pom.xml, throw in the plugin and continue doing your builds. Everything should be available through Maven Central shortly, and is in JBoss Nexus now for the impatient.

Stay in Touch

You can keep up with the project through the WildFly HipChat room, @wildflyswarm on Twitter, or through GitHub Issues.