Use MicroProfile Reactive Messaging with AMQP Connector with SSL Connection to AMQ 7 on OpenShift

In this guide, we will learn how to set up MicroProfile Reactive Messaging application with AMQP Connector to connect to AMQ 7 deployed on OpenShift. Communication will be secured using SSL/TLS.


To complete this guide, you need:

  • Roughly 20 minutes

  • JDK 11+ installed with JAVA_HOME configured appropriately

  • Apache Maven 3.9+

  • Access to an OpenShift cluster (try the "Self-managed" variant of local development machine Red Hat OpenShift for free)

  • OpenShift CLI

Log Into the OpenShift Cluster

Before we can deploy our application, we need to log in to an OpenShift cluster. You can log in via the OpenShift CLI:

oc login -u myUserName

Alternatively, you can log in using an API token:

oc login --token=myToken --server=myServerUrl

You can request the token via the Copy Login Command link in the OpenShift web console.

If you don’t already have a project created, you can create one using:

oc new-project myProjectName

Deploy AMQ 7 using operator

Install AMQ 7 operator

Generate self-signed certificates for keystore and truststore

To establish an SSL/TLS connection we need keystore and truststore. Here for demonstration purposes we prepare a self-signed certificate.


To ensure that the broker certificate has the correct domain of the OpenShift cluster for hostname verification during TLS handshake, you must be logged in using the 'oc' command. This step is crucial as the client verifies the broker’s hostname in the certificate.

# Generate broker's key pair using obtained OpenShift cluster domain for `apps`
keytool -genkeypair -alias broker -keyalg RSA -storetype PKCS12 -keystore broker.ks -storepass changeit -validity 365 -dname "CN=*.`oc get ingresscontroller default -o jsonpath='{.status.domain}' -n openshift-ingress-operator `, OU=My Org Unit, O=My Organization, L=My City, S=My State, C=My Country"
# Generate key pair for Reactive Messaging application
keytool -genkeypair -alias client -keyalg RSA -storetype PKCS12 -keystore client.ks -storepass changeit -validity 365 -dname "CN=localhost, OU=My Org Unit, O=My Organization, L=My City, S=My State, C=My Country"
# Export broker certificate
keytool -export -alias broker -file broker.cert -keystore broker.ks -storepass changeit
# Export client certificate
keytool -export -alias client -file client.cert -keystore client.ks -storepass changeit
# Import broker and client certificate into a single truststore for simplicity
keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias client -file client.cert -keystore client.ts -storepass changeit -noprompt
keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias broker -file broker.cert -keystore client.ts -storepass changeit -noprompt

Deploy AMQ 7 broker

First we need to create secret with server keystore and truststore which will be used by AMQ 7 broker:

oc create secret generic brokeramqp-ssl-secret --from-file=broker.ks --from-file=client.ts --from-literal=keyStorePassword='changeit' --from-literal=trustStorePassword='changeit'

Then create file broker.yaml with following content referencing above secret:

kind: ActiveMQArtemis
  name: amq-broker
  application: amq-broker-app
    - port: 61617
      verifyHost: false
      needClientAuth: true
      expose: true
      multicastPrefix: jms.topic.
      name: all
      connectionsAllowed: 10
      sslEnabled: true
      protocols: all
      sslSecret: brokeramqp-ssl-secret
      sslProvider: JDK
      anycastPrefix: jms.queue.
    expose: true
    journalType: nio
    messageMigration: false
    persistenceEnabled: false
    requireLogin: false
    size: 1
    enabled: false
    minor: false

To simplify this example, there is set verifyHost: false to avoid need to set correct hostname in the "client" certificate for Reactive Messaging application.

Run following command to deploy AMQ 7 broker with secured acceptor:

oc create -f broker.yaml

Check that AMQ 7 broker is in Running state by checking running pods:

$ oc get pods
NAME                                            READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
amq-broker-ss-0                                 1/1     Running     0          79m

Build Reactive Messaging application using WildFly Glow

We will use an example of Reactive Messaging application in this guide, that consists of a single ProducingBean and ConsumingBean. Where ProducingBean periodically produces messages into the channel and ConsumingBean consumes them. It also contains needed scripts and yaml files to set up AMQ 7 broker on OpenShift.

Example application is available on GitHub:

git clone
cd guides/microprofile-reactive-messaging-amqp-connector-example/

The important part of the application is file configuring secured AMQP connector to remote AMQ 7 broker:


  • amqp-host - url of remote AMQ 7 broker deployed on OpenShift, for example "".

  • amqp-port - port where AMQ 7 broker is listening, in case of OpenShift there is used port 443 for secured communication

  • amqp-username and amqp-password - username and password for authentication to AMQ 7 broker. admin/admin is default used in AMQ 7 broker

  • amqp-use-ssl=true - specifies that we want to use a secure connection when connecting to the broker.

  • mp.messaging.outgoing.source.connector=amqp-ssl-context - this is not needed if there are CA signed certificates. However, in our case we’re using self-signed certificates, so we need to specify a truststore in the Elytron subsystem and create an SSLContext referencing that. The value of this property is used to look up the SSLContext in the Elytron subsystem under /subsystem=elytron/client-ssl-context=* in the WildFly management model. In this case the property value is amqp-ssl-context, so we look up the SSLContext defined by /subsystem=elytron/client-ssl-context=amqp-ssl-context and use that to configure the truststore to use for the connection to AMQ broker. For this reason there is defined CLI script scripts/config.cli which will be used to configure client-ssl-context when the WildFly server is provisioned and configured:

/subsystem=elytron/key-store=truststore-ssl-test:add(credential-reference={clear-text=changeit}, path=<path-to>/client.ts, type=PKCS12)
/subsystem=elytron/key-store=keystore-ssl-test:add(credential-reference={clear-text=changeit}, path=<path-to>/client.ks, type=PKCS12)

Update <path-to> in above cli script to directory with generated truststore and keystore.

You can build the application by running:

mvn package

The application uses the WildFly Maven Plugin to provision an application server that is trimmed with only the required modules to run the application. It deploys reactive messaging app into it and package all as Bootable Jar which can be started like:

AMQ_HOST=<amq-broker-route> java -jar ./target/server-bootable.jar

You can figure out value for AMQ_HOST by checking oc get routes for amq-broker-all-0-svc-rte route. Like:

$ oc get routes
NAME                          HOST/PORT                                                                     PATH   SERVICES                  PORT       TERMINATION        WILDCARD
amq-broker-all-0-svc-rte             amq-broker-all-0-svc      all-0      passthrough/None   None

Once application starts you should see output like:

17:28:45,819 INFO  [stdout] (vert.x-eventloop-thread-0) ----> Calling generate!!!!
17:28:45,820 INFO  [stdout] (vert.x-eventloop-thread-0) =====> Creating Next with 1
17:28:45,821 INFO  [io.smallrye.reactive.messaging.amqp] (vert.x-eventloop-thread-0) SRMSG16203: AMQP Receiver listening address source
17:28:45,921 INFO  [stdout] (pool-13-thread-1) ---> Sending 1
17:28:45,926 INFO  [stdout] (pool-13-thread-1) ----> Calling generate!!!!
17:28:45,927 INFO  [stdout] (pool-13-thread-1) =====> Creating Next with 2
17:28:46,027 INFO  [stdout] (pool-13-thread-1) ---> Sending 2
17:28:46,027 INFO  [stdout] (pool-13-thread-1) ----> Calling generate!!!!
17:28:46,027 INFO  [stdout] (pool-13-thread-1) =====> Creating Next with 4
17:28:46,046 INFO  [stdout] (vert.x-eventloop-thread-0) ---> Received 1
17:28:46,128 INFO  [stdout] (pool-13-thread-1) ---> Sending 4
17:28:46,128 INFO  [stdout] (pool-13-thread-1) ----> Calling generate!!!!
17:28:46,128 INFO  [stdout] (pool-13-thread-1) =====> Creating Next with 8
17:28:46,140 INFO  [stdout] (vert.x-eventloop-thread-0) ---> Received 2

What’s next?

WildFly MicroProfile Reactive Messaging provides multiple options to connect to different messaging brokers like Kafka. Read the configuration from MicroProfile Reactive Messaging Subsystem Configuration

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