Get Involved with WildFly
WildFly relies on contributions from people like you. Here are some ways you can help out today!
Download WildFly
Did we mention that WildFly is free? Download today and see what we’ve been working on all this time.
Follow WildFly on Twitter
Most of our updates go out on Twitter. Sometimes our project team speaks at industry events, and sometimes they post cool ways people use WildFly. Wash, rinse, and retweet.
Submit a bug
Let us know if you find something that needs to be fixed. WildFly is for everyone and we want it to be great, so please create a ticket and let us know what happened.
Edit this website
This website is open-source, too! If you see something you want to change fork it, make some changes, and show us what you’ve got!
Blog with us
Share your projects and ideas! Write up your experience in the form of an editorial or how-to, take some screenshots, and then fork the website. We use markdown and AsciiDoc, so you can submit your post as a pull request.
Submit some code
Check our issue tracker for an open ticket that looks interesting, fork the project, and code away.
Join our chatroom
Our project team has an active and open chatroom where you can listen in and ask questions. Stop by and say hello, but keep in mind that basic rules of civility apply.
Edit the Documentation
Help us help everyone. Let us know if you find a typo or an error. We’re human too, and your input is valuable. Fork the Documentation.
Help somebody out
If you run into a problem, you’re probably not the first or the last to try to solve it. Check out our forums and post a question and maybe a few answers.
Draw a picture
A picture really can be worth 1,000 words. If you’re a designer or an artist and want to help us turn some of our ideas into illustrations please make something awesome and show us what you can do.
Spread the word
The simplest and easiest way to help the WildFly community is to act as a project ambassador, follow us on Twitter, and show up to community events in your area.