Using Server-Side JavaScript with WildFly

The WildFly 10.0.0.Beta1 release includes support for an experimental new feature, that allows you to use JavaScript on the server side, using the Nashorn JavaScript engine that is built into the JDK. Combined with another new feature that allows you to serve web resources from outside the deployment it is possible to write server-side code with no redeploy of copy step involved.

This feature also allows Java EE resources such as CDI beans to be injected into your JavaScript handlers, allowing you to write your back end using Java, and the front end in JavaScript.

This is a new feature, and as such may change before release based on user feedback.

If you want to skip the tutorial and just want to see the code there are some examples at

Getting Started

The first step is to tell WildFly where to find your JavaScript. To do this we create a file WEB-INF/undertow-scripts.conf. In this file you list your server side JavaScript files, one per line. For the sake of this post I will assume we have a single file, example.js.

Note that even though the server JavaScript files are located in the web context, the JavaScript integration will not allow them to be served. If a user requests a server side JS file a 404 will be returned instead.

Setting up hot deployment

To enable hot deployment create a file called WEB-INF/undertow-external-mounts.conf, and in this file add a single line that points to your local workspaces web content root (for example, /Users/stuart/workspace/jsexample/src/main/webapp). With this file in place resources will be served from your local workspace, instead of the deployment. This means that any changes you make to web resources or server-side JavaScript will be immediately visible as soon as you refresh your browser.

This hot deployment mechanism is independent of the server side JS integration, and should work for any web resources.

A simple HTTP endpoint

        {headers: {"content-type": "text/plain"}},
        [function ($exchange) {
            return "Hello World";

Add this to your example.js file and point your browser at /hello. You should see your Hello World message appear.

To test out hot deployment try modifying the message and refreshing your browser, the changes should be reflected immediately.

Lets walk through the things that are happening here. $undertow is the entry point for all JavaScript functionality, it contains methods to register HTTP handlers, as well as some other utility methods. The onGet method registers a handler for GET requests. This method takes three parameters, the handler path, an (optional) options map, and a handler injection list (or just a plain handler function, if no injection is required).

This function returns a string, which will be sent to the user as an HTTP response.

Now lets try a simple JSON REST endpoint:

        {headers: {"content-type": "application/json"}},
        [function ($exchange) {
            return {message: 'Hello World'};

` This is basically the same, the only difference is that a map is returned instead of a string. Any object other than simple strings that are returned from a handler function will be converted into JSON and sent to the client.

Now lets try out an injection, so our handler can interact with the app server. We will start by injecting the default datasource:

        {headers: {"content-type": "application/json"}},
        ['jndi:java:jboss/datasources/ExampleDS', function ($exchange, db) {
            return"select * from members");

JavaScript injection has the format 'type:name'. It uses angular.js style injection, where you pass in a list of injection specifiers, with the function to inject as the last item in the list. These injections will be resolved at runtime, and passed into the handler function in the order they are specified. The following injection types are supported out of the box:


This injection is looked up from JNDI, any item that can be looked up in JNDI can be injected into your JavaScript function.


This allows you to inject CDI beans into a handler. The beans are resolved by name, and as such must have the @Named annotation for them to be resolvable.


This allows the request entity to be injected directly into your function (for request types that have an entity, such as POST and PUT). By default this is injected as a string, however the following types are also supported.

  • $entity:json injects parsed JSON.

  • $entity:form injects parsed form or multipart encoded data.

Undertow.js will also automatically wrap some objects (such as datasources) in a JavaScript friendly API. The raw JDBC API is not particularly script friendly, so in the example above the DataSource that is injected is actually a wrapper that supports the select, selectOne and query methods. With any wrapped object you can access the underlying Java object using the objects $underlying property.

Going back to our example above, there are two issues with it:

  • We have not set up any tables or added any data to the database.

  • Writing the full JNDI name every time is cumbersome and error prone.

Lets address those issues:

    .alias('db', 'jndi:java:jboss/datasources/ExampleDS')
        {headers: {"content-type": "application/json"}},
        ['db', function ($exchange, db) {
            return"select * from member");

var db = $undertow.resolve("db");
try {
    db.query("create table member (id serial primary key not null, name varchar(100), email varchar(100) unique, phone_number varchar(100))");
    db.query("insert into member (id, name, email, phone_number) values (0, 'John Smith', '', '2125551212')");
    db.query("insert into member (id, name, email, phone_number) values (1, 'Stuart Douglas', '', '0487694837')");
} catch(e) {
    print("DB create failed")

We have added two things to this handler, the first is a call to alias, that allows us to alias commonly used names to shorter versions, and the second is some code to create the database. This DB setup code is mostly for example purposes, and is not a recommended approach, as every time this file is modified it will attempt to re-setup the database (and fail, as the table already exists).


There is also support for templates, at the moment Undertow.js supports Mustache, with plans to support more in the future.

To use a template simply specify the template name in the parameter map, the template will be rendered using the return value of your function as the data. An example is shown below:

        {template: 'hello.txt', headers: {"content-type": "text/plain"}},
        [function ($exchange) {
            return {name: 'Stuart'};

And in hello.txt:

Hello {{name}}

Handling POST requests

POST (and other requests that contain a body) can be handled using entity injection. The body can be injected as a string, or one of the built in parsers can be used to parse JSON or form encoded data (including multipart data).

An example of all three approaches is shown below:

        {headers: {"content-type": "text/plain"}},
        ['$entity', function ($exchange, entity) {
            return "You posted: " + entity;
        {headers: {"content-type": "text/plain"}},
        ['$entity:json', function ($exchange, entity) {
                return "You posted: " + entity['name'];
        {headers: {"content-type": "text/plain"}},
        ['$entity:form', function ($exchange, entity) {
            return "You posted: " + entity.get('name');

Going forward

At the moment the following additional features are planned:

  • Support for more template engines

  • Support for declarative security

This feature is very new, and will evolve over the coming months based on user feedback. If you want to contribute, or have any suggestions/comments head to